Study accountancy and controlling in Groningen to learn about how technological innovations and sustainable practices are shaping the information provision to internal and external stakeholders of any organization.
What role do auditors and controllers play in society, and how is this role evolving in response to technological innovations? How can businesses integrate sustainability principles into their strategy and financial practices and what are the implications on information systems? In the MSc Accountancy and Controlling you will learn how to design information systems that produce such information, and how to assess the quality of existing systems. During the one-year programme, you will gain the competences necessary to work and succeed in a financial landscape that is ever-evolving, with new regulations, technologies, sustainable practices and financial instruments emerging regularly. You will be well-prepared to tackle challenges such as auditing financial data for multinational companies, ensuring compliance with evolving national and international regulations or steering financial sustainability of environmentally conscious organizations.What study area interests you most? In Groningen, you can specialize in three different profiles:
Sustainability Management and Controlling The demand for skilled professionals in Accountancy, Cont
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Master of Science

Beoordeling Accountancy and Controlling aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Accountancy (hbo)

Deficiëntie programma
For HBO Accountancy graduates (30 ECTS) The accelerated programme is available for students who acquired a HBO diploma in Accountancy. A necessary requirement to be admitted to the programme is that you have passed the Overall Exam. For more information:

Accountancy (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Actuariële Wetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
For students who follow the profile Accountancy and Controlling, there are no additional requirements.

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
For students following the profile Economics, Public Administration and management: you need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Business Administration (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business Analytics (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Business Engineering (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrics and Data Science (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Econometrie en Operationele Research (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Economics and Business Economics (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You need to complete the minor in Management Control If you do not have a minor in Management Control, please contact the study study advisors:

Economie en Beleid (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Fiscale Economie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Global Studies (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Informatica (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
For students following the profile Computer Science & Economics: you need to first complete the 60 EC Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

International Business (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
In addition to your BSc programme, you will need to complete a set of (extra) courses. For information, please contact the study advisors:

International Business Administration (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Psychologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Sociologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check

Technische Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a Pre-Master's programme. For information about the Pre-MSc application and entry requirements, please check
Met bachelors die niet in bovenstaande lijst staan ben je mogelijk toch toelaatbaar onder bepaalde voorwaarden. Check de website voor de exacte toelatingseisen.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)