Would you like to explore the most fundamental questions in the universe? Or learn about the formation of stars and planets, or the evolution of our Milky Way? Do you want to learn all there is to know about building large telescopes and the data science behind them? A Master's degree in Astronomy is a gateway into a wide world of science and technology.
Students are trained by astronomers from the world-renowned Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, a centre leading in astronomical research on the structure and dynamics of our Milky Way, on the structure and dynamics of galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology and large scale structure of the Universe and star and planet formation, and in the design and development of new astronomical instrumentation.Astronomy research has been carried out at Groningen University since 1883, and Groningen astronomers belong to the top of the world. They have been heavily involved in the construction and use of the Westerbork radio telescope (WSRT). Currently, they play a key role in the development and use of the LOFAR network of radio telescopes and the future Square Kilometer Array, while leading the development of instruments for the upcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in Chile. They also have key roles in space projects, such as leading the developments of the HIFI detector in the Herschel satellite, the data processing ce