International Development Studies focuses on current development issues and teaches conceptual, theoretical, and empirical knowledge of trends and topics on the development agenda.
Over the past decade, the number of actors active in the development domain has multiplied. In addition to the traditional donors, new 'players' have entered the scene, including foundations and diaspora-organizations. Furthermore, individual migrants and socially-engaged entrepreneurs are acknowledging their responsibility for acting to benefit society at large, taking responsibility for the social and environmental impacts of production activities and/or consumption.

The multidisciplinary Master's programme in International Development Studies addresses the current development challenges and engages with these current, urgent and highly important issues. In particular, the programme focuses on topics surrounding migration/mobilities, climate change, land governance, urbanization and corporate social responsibility. Students are found in an international environment, with peers and staff from diverse disciplinary and cultural backgrounds. A research-oriented internship abroad is a core component of the programme.
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Master of Science

Beoordeling Development Studies aan de Universiteit Utrecht

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Aardwetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Environmental Sciences (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Future Planet Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Geografie, Planologie en Milieu (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Global Sustainability Science (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Human Geography and Planning (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

International Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint degree) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Maastricht) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Roosevelt) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Utrecht) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Natuurwetenschap en Innovatiemanagement (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Sociale Geografie en Planologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Sociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Spatial Planning and Design (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Urban Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

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Universiteit Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht (Utrecht)