The Water Management for Climate adaptation programme aims to equip the water professionals of the future with knowledge of the relevant natural processes and state of the art of water management, concerning the availability, quality and safety of water. Climate change can lead to water shortage or excess, and affect the quality of water with devastating effects on the populations and ecosystems. Adaptation to the effects of climate change is possible through water management.
The water professionals of the future also must be able to navigate through decision making structures at the global, regional and local levels to be able to effectively implement plans in water management. The Water Management for Climate Adaptation master's programme will give you insights into the implementation and governance of water measures, according to the legislative frameworks that are in place.
The programme also features a living lab component, where students are able to implement what they learn in the field through action based research. The living lab will take place at the Delta Climate Center in Zeeland in the Netherlands.
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Master of Science

Beoordeling Earth Sciences aan de Universiteit Utrecht

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Aardwetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Future Planet Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Global Sustainability Science (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Human Geography and Planning (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint degree) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Maastricht) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Roosevelt) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Utrecht) (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Natuurwetenschap en Innovatiemanagement (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Politicologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Sociale Geografie en Planologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Sociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

Taal- en Cultuurstudies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
The aim of selective admission to graduate programmes is to ensure an optimal match between your abilities and aspirations and the Utrecht University learning environment. The university is committed to promoting excellence, equality of opportunity and to furthering the diversity of its student body

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Universiteit Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 8
3584 CS Utrecht (Utrecht)