Study in Groningen actuarial science, data science, econometrics and operations research. Use real-life data and advanced data science models to make sound decisions in business and society.
How much influence will taxation prices have on car usage? What econometric models can assist in predicting future resource demands and optimizing resource allocation for sustainable use? What is the minimal route length to deliver parcels on time? In the MSc Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies (EORAS), you can combine your interests in mathematics, economics, statistics, and data science and develop strong analytical skills as well as a passion for solving complex problems. The programme in Groningen has an international and interdisciplinary approach, is small-scale and allows you to build on a future career that matches your goals and aspirations.You will learn to apply mathematical and statistical models to address challenges in business, economics, finance, insurance, and related fields. As an example, one of the projects focuses on optimizing the waste collection system in Groningen municipality. Students obtain data from the municipality (data science) to analyze the stochastic deposit process (econometrics), estimate overflow probabilities (actuarial sciences), and compute efficient truck routes (operations research). This is just one of the many projects