Study economics in Groningen and learn to use groundbreaking theoretical knowledge and evidence-based policy to help solve tomorrow's national and international economic problems.
Economics plays a crucial role in analyzing and addressing societal problems by understanding how individuals, businesses, and governments make choices in the face of limited resources, like time or money. While united in the methodological approach, the questions economics seeks to answer are diverse:
How do households decide how much to save for retirement?
Why do some markets need regulation and others not?
How should you design monetary policy to keep inflation low?
What is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions?
Why are some countries rich and some poor?
How to make healthcare more accessible and affordable?
How do social norms affect behaviour and policies?
Why do women earn less than men?
As an economist, you have an analytical mindset and you use data to study and assess economic policies: In short, you keep a cool head when it comes to making decisions for burning social problems. To equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to impact societies, our MSc Economics combines rigorous thinking, empirical evidence, and practical applications in three core courses (microeconomics, macroeconomics, empirical methods) and a selection of over 25 elective courses from our pro
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Master of Science

Beoordeling Economics aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Accountancy (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Actuariële Wetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. For information, please contact the study advisors:

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
Profile Economics, Public Administration and management: you might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more:

Business Administration (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business Analytics (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Business Engineering (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Econometrics and Data Science (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Econometrie en Operationele Research (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Economics and Business Economics (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Economie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Economie en Beleid (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Fiscale Economie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Global Studies (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Informatica (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
Profile Informatica & Economie: you might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more:

International Business (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You need to first complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. For information, please contact the study advisors:

International Business Administration (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Psychologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Sociologie (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Technische Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Deficiëntie programma
You might be asked to complete a tailor-made Pre-Master's programme. Read more: Every application will be reviewed individually by the Admissions board so the admission decision may differ from the indication in this table.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)