The two-year Dual Master's in Museum Studies is the only university programme in the Netherlands that focuses on the multidisciplinary museological field, and includes six-month internship at a museum.
The UvA Master's in Museum Studies emphasises the public face of the museum: where the visitors enter and where the collections tell their stories. It prepares you for a position in the wider field of museum professions. You will gain first-hand experience of the sector during your studies when you complete an intensive internship at a Dutch or foreign museum.
Museums arrange their collections to reflect the story they wish to tell. The question of which stories are being told by which objects is constantly subject to change. Museum Studies investigates the dynamics and raisons d'être of heritage museums, such as those focusing on antiquities, archaeology, ethnology, and history and art museums. This is always done from a solid cultural-history basis and in an international context.
Whether you would like to organise exhibitions, devise educational projects, manage museums, create policy, conduct scientific research or write reviews: it all starts with a solid basis of knowledge, creative thinking and a critical attitude. Our alumni are currently working as exhibition organisers, curators, educational employees, policy officers, project managers, researchers and directors.