Understand Europe. Study Euroculture: An Interdisciplinary European Studies Programme
Euroculture: European Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context is a unique, two-year (120 ECTS), fully English-taught international Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in European Studies. As one of the longest-running Erasmus Mundus programmes, with over 25 years of experience, Euroculture leads the way in providing high-quality and innovative Master-level education to a global student audience. With more than 1600 alumni from over 70 countries, Euroculture students become part of a global community of motivated professionals and academics who possess a deep understanding of the most pressing societal issues facing Europe and the world today. Euroculture's interdisciplinary curriculum includes elements of Political Science, Cultural Studies, Media Studies, History, Law, International Relations, and more. This programme prepares you for careers in diplomacy, international business, research, journalism, cultural management, and European administration. Recognized as a Master of Excellence and a Flagship Programme by the European Commission, Euroculture stands out for its outstanding quality and prestige.
NB: You can only apply to this Master's through the Euroculture website. Applications submitted directly via Studielink will not be considered. Note that the starting date of t
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Master of Arts

Beoordeling Europese Studies aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

American Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Duitse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Engelse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

English Language and Culture (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

European Law School (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Europese Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Europese Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Film- en Literatuurwetenschap (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Filosofie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Geschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Human Geography and Planning (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

International and European Law (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Kunstgeschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Liberal Arts and Sciences (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Media en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Minorities & Multilingualism (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Politicologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Rechtsgeleerdheid (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Religiewetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Romaanse Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Scandinavische Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Slavische Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Sociale Geografie en Planologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Sociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Taal- en Cultuurstudies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Theologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
Interested students should apply through Euroculture's website, https://www.euroculturemaster.eu/

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)