The Master Interdisciplinary Business Professional is an intensive, ground-breaking one-year international master's programme, designed for ambitious students who are eager to make a difference. You will contribute to solutions and innovations for complex problems that organisations are facing. These problems are interdisciplinary issues that require innovative and diverse answers for organisations that add value to both people and our planet. The programme consists of three pillars: Applied Research, Interdisciplinary Assignments and Professional Skills Development & Ethics. These three pillars are based on the view that the future business professional needs to be equipped with critical thinking skills along with analytical skills to be able to handle complex issues. The interdisciplinary assignments enhance cooperation and communication skills with professionals from various disciplines and backgrounds. The Professional Skills Development pillar focuses on the ability to reflect on one's own behaviour and development and to adapt accordingly.
Hogeschool (hbo)
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Hogeschool (hbo)
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Master of Science

Beoordeling Interdisciplinary Business Professional aan de Hanze

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Accountancy (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Accountancy (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Bedrijfskunde (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Bedrijfskunde MER (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Bestuurskunde/Overheidsmanagement (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Business Innovation (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Business IT & Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Business Studies (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Commerciële Economie (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Communicatie (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Creative Business (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

European Studies (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Facility Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Finance & Control (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Finance, Tax and Advice (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Financial Services Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Fiscaal Recht en Economie (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Food and Business (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

HBO - Rechten (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Hotel Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Human Resource Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Integrale Veiligheidskunde (hbo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to the programme with this bachelor degree depends on, among other things: curriculum, bachelor thesis, and other relevant experiences. Your application file will be evaluated separately.

International Business (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

International Business & Entrepreneurship (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

International Business Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

International Hotel and Hospitality Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Internationale Communicatie en Talen (hbo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to the programme with this bachelor degree depends on, among other things: curriculum, bachelor thesis, and other relevant experiences. Your application file will be evaluated separately.

Journalistiek (hbo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to the programme with this bachelor degree depends on, among other things: curriculum, bachelor thesis, and other relevant experiences. Your application file will be evaluated separately.

Kunst en Economie (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Leisure & Events Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Logistics Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Logistics Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Makelaardij en Vastgoed (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Ondernemerschap & Retail Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Sociaal-Juridische Dienstverlening (hbo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to the programme with this bachelor degree depends on, among other things: curriculum, bachelor thesis, and other relevant experiences. Your application file will be evaluated separately.

Technische Bedrijfskunde (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Tourism Management (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Vastgoedkunde (hbo)

Drempelloze toelating

Vertaalacademie (hbo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to the programme with this bachelor degree depends on, among other things: curriculum, bachelor thesis, and other relevant experiences. Your application file will be evaluated separately.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Zernikeplein 7
9747 AS Groningen (Groningen)