Conflicts lead to looting, killing, recruitment of child soldiers, genocide – and even terrorism. They can also lead to cross-border crimes such as human trafficking, kidnappings and wildlife crimes. International organisations, NGOs and governments are confronted with questions about how to prevent and respond to these criminal acts, and how to deal with their harmful consequences. But a lack of knowledge means that effective responses often never get off the ground.
This Master’s programme is unique in several ways: literally, in that it’s not offered by any other university in the world. But also in its scope, because you’ll learn to combine insights and methodologies from several different disciplines: criminology, law, psychology, sociology and political science. And finally, VU Amsterdam is close to The Hague – home to the UN’s International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court – the legal capital of the world. This programme will truly prepare you for an international career in the field.
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Master of Science

Beoordeling International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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Criminologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
You can apply on the basis of one of the HBO degrees listed below in combination with a relevant premaster: * HBO-Rechten plus VU SchakelzoneRecht * HBO-Rechten plus doorstroomprogramma HvA-VU * HBO in Law, Criminology, Social or Political sciences or Psychology plus relevant premaster

Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (wo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to this interdisciplinary Master’s programme is based on a relevant degree, and on merit and your fit with the programme.

International and European Law (wo)

Selectie eisen
Admission to this interdisciplinary Master’s programme is based on a relevant degree, and on merit and your fit with the programme.

Politicologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
You can apply on the basis of one of the HBO degrees listed below in combination with a relevant premaster: * HBO-Rechten plus VU SchakelzoneRecht * HBO-Rechten plus doorstroomprogramma HvA-VU * HBO in Law, Criminology, Social or Political sciences or Psychology plus relevant premaster

Psychologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
You can apply on the basis of one of the HBO degrees listed below in combination with a relevant premaster: * HBO-Rechten plus VU SchakelzoneRecht * HBO-Rechten plus doorstroomprogramma HvA-VU * HBO in Law, Criminology, Social or Political sciences or Psychology plus relevant premaster

Rechtsgeleerdheid (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
You can apply on the basis of one of the HBO degrees listed below in combination with a relevant premaster: * HBO-Rechten plus VU SchakelzoneRecht * HBO-Rechten plus doorstroomprogramma HvA-VU * HBO in Law, Criminology, Social or Political sciences or Psychology plus relevant premaster

Sociologie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
You can apply on the basis of one of the HBO degrees listed below in combination with a relevant premaster: * HBO-Rechten plus VU SchakelzoneRecht * HBO-Rechten plus doorstroomprogramma HvA-VU * HBO in Law, Criminology, Social or Political sciences or Psychology plus relevant premaster

Er zijn geen open dagen voor deze onderwijsinstelling.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam (Amsterdam)