Wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, revolts in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia, power struggles in Turkey, Saudi-Arabia and Israel – conflicts in the Middle East are daily news.Do you want to deepen your expertise on the region and its conflicts and meet the important societal demand for knowledge and insights in the Middle East? Then join our Master’s programme Middle Eastern Studies in Groningen.The one-year Master’s programme in Groningen focuses on contemporary developments in the Middle East, with particular emphasis on the theme of conflicts and coexistence. The programme is interdisciplinary and research-driven, using insights from fields such as International Relations, Religious Studies and Anthropology to help you to understand this highly dynamic and fascinating region. The MA Middle Eastern studies alumni are successful in many professional fields.If you have a Bachelor’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies, the Master’s programme enables you to specialize in the theme of conflicts and coexistence and to increase your familiarity with important theoretical and methodological approaches to the region. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in another (related) discipline, the Master’s programme facilitates you to familiarise yourself with the Middle East and apply your expertise to this region, which is of fundamental in today’s world.The programme offers core modules on contemp
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Master of Arts

Beoordeling Midden-Oosten Studies aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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American Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Archeologie (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

English Language and Culture (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Europese Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Geschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Informatiekunde (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Kunstgeschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Media en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Midden-Oostenstudies (wo)

Drempelloze toelating

Minorities & Multilingualism (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Neerlandistiek (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG

Taalwetenschap (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
Successful completion of the Middle Eastern Studies faculty minor of 30 ECTS at the UG
Met bachelors die niet in bovenstaande lijst staan ben je mogelijk toch toelaatbaar onder bepaalde voorwaarden. Check de website voor de exacte toelatingseisen.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)