Do you aspire to a career in global politics, media, business, journalism, or education? Are you interested in all things American, from the U.S. political system to cultural imperialism? Would you like to spend a semester studying in the U.S. or Canada?
The MA North American Studies encourages you to develop your own interests and formulate your own arguments in small-group seminars. You will learn to think, talk, and write critically about all things American, independently analyze any aspect of the culture, and conduct research projects that cut across traditional academic boundaries.
You are challenged to build your own persuasive analysis of whatever it is about the U.S. that interests you and your research topics can be as diverse as the country itself: from the Star Wars franchise and its place in the U.S. and global culture to gerrymandering, and from voter suppression to the professionalization of women's ice hockey - you get to choose your own path. During your studies, you will be guided by our team of leading international researchers in the field of American Studies.
North American Studies provides students the opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner universities or do an internship, for example at a small Dutch tech start-up, a national newspaper, or consular offices in the U.S.
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Aantal eerstejaars studenten
Master of Arts

Beoordeling Noord-Amerika Studies aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

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American Studies (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
NL studenten: Geldt voor alle WO instellingen in Nederland. International students: Refers to all Research universities within the Netherlands

Archeologie (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

English Language and Culture (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Europese Talen en Culturen (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Geschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Kunstgeschiedenis (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Media en Cultuur (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Midden-Oostenstudies (wo)

Drempelloze toegang (onder voorwaarden)
With a pre-Master's/ Faculty Minor (30 ECTS) in American Studies

Bezoekadres en postadres

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen (Groningen)