How can you identify the top athletes of the future? How do you optimize athletic performance and prevent injuries? What influence does physical activity have on a child's development?
How do people use vision to control their actions?
The selective two-year Master's programme is meant for students with a scientific fascination for sport. You will study sports performance and physical activity from multiple perspectives, using theories about cognition, psychology and physiology. This could be sports on a recreational or an athlete level.
As a student of this selective programme, you will acquire an advanced understanding of issues in the field of sport sciences, both applied and fundamental. You will practice in measuring and analyzing sports performance and gain familiarity with research methods and advanced statistics. Also, you will learn to develop optimal programmes to teach and train sport-related abilities and skills.
The programme is concentrated around four research areas:
Physical activity and cognition in children.
Talent identification and development.
Perception, action and decision making in sports
Performance analysis and optimization in (top)sports and how to prevent injuries.